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Hybrid AD's © 

Personalized monetization and management for TV screens.


What is Hybrid AD's© ?

The Hybrid advertising system has been specially developed for the efficient management of AddressableTV advertising space (HbbTV, IPTV, smartTV). 


The Hybrid AD's© brings new inventories, its management and seamless handling of advertising campaigns based on specified parameters such as period, time, impressions, unique users, geolocation, IP address, broadcast content, re-marketing, etc.

Hybrid AD's© is specialized tool for AddressableTV since 2015.



New type of inventory to be monetized. Additional revenues for broadcaster


Big Data

100% Cloud 

Store, segment, employ ad visualize a massive amount of for great results

Solution withot the need hardware

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99,7% SLA

24/7/365 operability. One of the most reliable solutions on the market.


It is the right choice for every TV broadcaster, operator or media agency. The Hybrid AD's© is a critical value for analyzing, managing and adserving any kind of TV broadcaster using Addressable TV services. All great for minor TV market players as well as major international TV groups.

The Hybrid AD's© can be enriched with several independent modules in order to deliver the best outcomes and results.  All along with technical support services. We also provide 8/5 personal assistance and back office services.

  • Direct Sales

  • Programmatic

  • GEO targeting

  • Premium targeting

  • Remarketing

  • Afterspot

  • Automatic data reporting

Afterspot - Impact on the TV reach curve

Cross-departmental solution

The benefits of the AddressableTV advertising system can be used by more than one company department. At present, it is abandoning the idea of monitoring benefits only through direct revenues generated by the sales department. The benefits of Hybrid AD's© through indirect revenues can also be generated by the marketing, research, programme and strategic decision-making departments.


Hybrid AD's© is not only a tool for serving ads, but also a tool that uses Big Data for vast number of additional services. Hybrid AD's© is also loved by the TV viewers, who appreciate its instant access, ease control and orientation, interactivity and additional VOD possibilities of their favorite content.



Open new revenue streams and Big Data solutions

Start to use ads targeting, TV optimalization and interactive services on the TV screen

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