Here is an example: Český Rozhlas’ Audio-On-Deman archive made by Hybrid.
Public radio broadcaster Český Rozhlas has launched one of the first Audio content-oriented application for HbbTV in CEE. Developed by Hybrid Company. It delivers archive of podcasts, programs and livestreaming directly to the TV screen.
“The idea HbbTV serves only for Video-On-Demand is not right anymore. This application shows the very first utility of Audio-On-Demand principle, where TV viewer can play its favorite show, play it from start or use time-shift. Together with this, he receives additional information directly on the TV screen very easily,” introduces Lukáš Hnilička, CEO of Hybrid Company that developed the application.
“Český Rozhlas continues on previous projects and tests from Western Europe, namely german speaking countries, where associated services are commonly adapted for radio broadcasters. Finally, the Czech audience the same the benefit of Audio-On-Demand applications,” continues Hnilička.
Last but not least, Český Rozhlas application has been nominated for Annual HbbTV Symposium’s Award in the category for the Best use of HbbTV for enhanced TV services!
Feel free to have a look on the design of the application: