According to, the TV time-shift reached over 10% in the Czech Republic. Trends in watching video content are changing very fast. More than 1/3 TV time-shift is made via Addressable TVs.
This is brilliant opportunity for all companies with content. You can easily show your video or audio on the biggest screen in the household.
Video & Audio archive is a cornerstone service for Addressable TV environment providing Video-On-Demand and Audio-On-Demand content and contextual video related services. Video & Audio archives can be provided by Broadcaster or anyone who has a video or video content. The goal is to deliver its video or audio content to the end user, who can play its favorite show or programe, show or podcasts anytime he/she wants based on his preferences.
Nowadays the Video or Audio archives plays a key role in television broadcasting. More more viewers watch VOD or listen AOD instead of the linear broadcast, the more the videoarchive or audioarchive will be indispensable for TV broadcasters.
In addition the broadcaster has a great opportunity to deliver additional content, increase its additional values and, last but not least, increase its revenues based on the bussines model applied.
We have developed more than 293 apps for HbbTV or SmartTV. Learn more about VOD & AOD bellow.